THE state of an historic Sherborne building is being kept ‘under review’ by Dorset Council – although campaigners claim the authority should be taking direct action to save it.

Campaigners used the public session at the annual council meeting to call on Dorset Council to step in and secure the future of the Grade 2 listed Newell House, parts of which date from the 17th century.

Vegetation is growing out of the building which is said to no longer be watertight and was the subject of a recent vandal attack which left some walls daubed with graffiti.

The building, a former school which closed in 2000, stands at the junction of the A30 and Marston Road.

Public speaker Roger White claimed at the council meeting in Dorchester that the building’s owner appeared to have no intention to take action and had ignored offers to help.

“This prominently sited building has been sitting, deteriorating, in full view for over twenty years…why does Dorset Council continue to be reluctant to take action over the condition of Newell House?” he said.

Among those campaigning to secure the property is the Sherborne branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England: Sir Christopher Colville, the chair of the branch has said the council appears “either powerless of disinclined to take any positive action to preserve our heritage buildings.”

“It is sadly ironic that as Sherborne House is being transformed into a remarkable asset for the town centre, another even older, much-loved building has been allowed to become derelict,” he said.

“We find it disappointing that a house listed seventy-two years ago by an official government agency is then effectively abandoned by local authorities when it deteriorates… Something must be done before it is too late; and with many listed buildings in Sherborne, this needs to be a wakeup call for us all.’’

Dorset Council’s planning portfolio holder Cllr David Walsh, said the council has been taking an active role over Newell House.

“Dorset Council is aware of the condition of the Grade II listed Newell House. But as there are no active breaches of planning or listed building control, its state of repair is a matter for the property owner to address in the first instance.

“We have brought this to the attention of the owner and also looked into the scope of using powers under the Town and Country Planning Act to address maintenance of the building. But such action needs to be demonstrably in the public interest and, in assessing this, we must also have regard to the circumstances of the owner/occupier. At this present time, it is considered that such action would not be expedient, but officers will keep the situation under review.”

Sherborne East ward councillor Jon Andrews has raised concerns over another town site which was gifted to the town for community use.

He claimed that the land, behind Paddock Gardens, continues to be neglected with a lack of an apparent future plan.

“It is not being used and is just idle with no plan in place,” said Cllr Andrews.

He says the site, close to Sherborne House and Newland, was gifted by the former council to the Sherborne Arts Trust and was given on the understanding that it would be used for community arts.

“That was approximately 10 years ago, maybe more. There was a big application a few years ago and when the pandemic hit the big backer pulled out. The site is just a load of brambles now and could be a plot for houses that could be used for the Community Land Trust, or certainly the funds from its sale could be. Wouldn’t that be good for the town and local people?” said Cllr Andrews.