Two people have been arrested in connection with the reported theft of a tractor that was found 'substantially' damaged.

The Vultra tractor was reportedly stolen from the Litton Cheney area on Friday, March 31 2023, and was subsequently found in the Maiden Newton area with substantial damage.

Rural Crime Officers have been carrying out detailed enquiries into the incident and a 31-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman, both from Weymouth, were arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle. Both have been released on police bail as the investigation continues.

Police Constable Sebastian Haggett, of Dorset Police’s Rural Crime Team, said: “We appreciate the impact of reported crime of this nature on rural communities and we will carry out a thorough investigation to identify those suspected to be responsible.

“I would continue to urge residents and businesses in rural areas to look out for each other and report any suspicious activity to police.”