A Dorset Council team is celebrating winning two awards.

Dorset Council’s Customer Services team picked up two awards at the 2023 South West Contact Centre Awards.

The team won the ‘Best Customer Engagement’ award which showcased the customer services team’s Ukraine Response and the delivery of services with peers across the council and community.

It also won the ‘Contact Centre of the Year’ award which celebrated the achievements of all the teams that work within the Customer Services department.

Cllr Laura Beddow, Dorset Council’s Portfolio Holder for Culture and Communities, said: “Dorset Council, and the people that we serve, are extremely fortunate to have such a fantastic Customer Services team. I’m delighted that the SWCCF has recognised their hard work and dedication to looking after our residents.

“The team provides an exceptional service to our customers, with a commitment to delivering the highest levels of quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. They are at the heart of everything we do as a council, as they are most often the first point of contact when people need our help and support.

“On behalf of everyone at Dorset Council, I want to congratulate the Customer Services team on their success. With some exciting and innovative transformations on the way, I cannot wait to see what they have in store for the future.”

The awards recognised the Dorset Council’s Customer Services team's business agility, commitment to customers, and the people that work in the customer and contact centre industry.