A summer series of three concerts will be held at a church in Weymouth.

Each concert at All Saints Church in Wyke Regis will feature All Saints' 1884 Henry Jones organ.

The concerts are curated by local pianist Duncan Honeybourne, internationally renowned solo recitalist an concerto soloist.

Duncan was born in Weymouth and still resides in the town. Whilst his music takes him around the world he still finds time to play locally and this short series of concerts will begin on Friday, August 4 with a recital by Duncan himself.

The other concert dates are Saturday, August 26 (with Simon Clarkson) and Sunday, September 10 (programme to be confirmed).

All concerts start at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 from the website parishofwykeregis.org.uk/events, or contact Jeff Thomas on 07710 096174 or email thomas6314@aol.com

There will be a cash bar and retiring collection for the Church Roof Appeal.