Excitement was in the air in Weymouth as a new town business appeared on national television.

Sam Watson, founder of Dry Dock appeared on a segment of ITV’s This Morning yesterday to speak about his quirky business venture.

A camera was set up inside the no-alcohol bar on St Thomas Street ready for Sam to take part in a live interview with presenters Alison Hammond and Dermot O'Leary who were in the studio.

Sam described his segment as a ‘feelgood Friday type of story,’ adding, ‘hopefully it will be a bit of a kickstart for us.’

He said: “The business has come together really well, so much better than I initially expected. We have seen lots of people through our doors.”

Dorset Echo: ITV were set inside the venue ready for the live broadcastITV were set inside the venue ready for the live broadcast (Image: Hollie Carr)

Alison Hammond introduced the segment and said: “You might be heading to the pub this Friday night or over the weekend, but you’ve probably never heard of a pub quite like this one.”

Sam appeared behind the bar where he told the presenters about the success of the community-based project and how it’s an inclusive space for everyone.

Weymouth local Chris Saddington was sat having a coffee in the venue with his dad Frank Saddington and step-mum Anne Rodgers whilst the filming was taking place.

Dorset Echo: Chris Saddington (centre) with his step mum Anne Rodgers and dad Frank SaddingtonChris Saddington (centre) with his step mum Anne Rodgers and dad Frank Saddington (Image: Hollie Carr)

Chris was behind the donation of the bar’s jukebox, pool table and some decorative woodworks.

He said: “I donated them because it’s a good local cause and I know Sam and I wanted to help him get the business off the ground.

“It’s nice to come here because we can come without the rowdiness and the atmosphere is quite nice.”

Dorset Echo: There's plenty of entertainment inside the venueThere's plenty of entertainment inside the venue (Image: Hollie Carr)

Sam opened the Doors to Dry Dock last month as it was for a cause close to his own heart following his own experiences with alcohol.

The founder said: “I struggled with mental health problems and found the solution in alcohol and self-medication, and I ended up as a dependant drinker for a number of years. I have been in recovery for about three and a half years and have not had a drink for about 18 months.

“I feel that I want to give something back to the community because a lot of people got behind me when I was having a tough time and I want to give that back.”