A group looking after a community centre has welcomed new members to its committee.

The Littlemoor Community Action Group (LCAG) held its agm on Friday, September 8.

Dorset Councillor Louie O'Leary took the reins as chairman of the group from interim chairman and fellow councillor Tony Ferrari.

Cllr O'Leary was nominated by previous long-time chair Gillian Paterson who received a round of applause for her years of dedication and was seconded by Top Club chairman James Knott.

Mr O'Leary said: "My nan helped build this hall back in the 1960s and so I have an attachment to it and to make sure it keeps going and prospers and that's what I intend to do." 

Mr O'Leary pledged to serve only a one-year term and to ensure the hall is 'safe, legal, open and compliant' and to 'build and re-build relationships with other groups and organisations'.

The committee gained two new resident members and also received a finance update showing a healthy balance.

LCAG run a number of events throughout the year at the centre as well as a weekly Tuesday café. The centre is also home to monthly bingo.