A NEW community garden is to be opened in Weymouth.

The Park Community Garden will be a new area within St John’s Gardens at Greenhill.

It has been created in partnership with Dorset Council and Weymouth Town Council.

The garden officially opens on Tuesday, September 19 at 11am.

The space was launched by Litter Free Dorset and is part of their Reconnecting with Nature Spaces project, which aims to improve health and wellbeing across Dorset by bringing nature to small outdoor spaces.

The project is specifically aimed at local residents with learning disabilities or dementia, helping them to gain better access to, or use of, outdoor spaces and promoting wellbeing following the Covid-19 pandemic.

To ensure the ongoing maintenance of the space, Litter Free Dorset is collaborating with two local groups that work with young adults with learning disabilities, members of Green Fingers and stABILITY.

Local people are encouraged to support them by helping with watering, weeding, and planting and are welcome to pick herbs from the garden.

Siobhan Davis, project coordinator at the Volunteer Centre Dorset said: “Volunteering improves our health and wellbeing and provides an opportunity to meet other like-minded people and share skills.

"St. John’s Gardens is a space where you can meet people, plant, and grow things which you and the local community can benefit from. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity in your area come over and say hello to us on Tuesday.”

Angela Lambert, stABILITY founder, said: “The Park Community Garden will enable stABILITY members to learn new skills and give back to our community.

"Members will take ownership of an area of the park, plan ahead, work together as a team and improve communication skills. Working outside in the fresh air will be great for members’ well-being!”

Mayor of Weymouth, Kate Wheller, said: "Growing fruit and vegetables in a community garden is a wonderful way to get active outdoors, meet people and boost your mental health and wellbeing.

“I am delighted that this project will support the wonderful ‘Green Fingers’ volunteers to grow even bigger and better veg, and to encourage other groups to come and use this superb resource in St. John’s Gardens. I look forward to tasting next year’s harvest!”

If you would like to get in touch about joining the Green Fingers Group or volunteering, please contact Siobhan Davis - 07918639014 or email info@volunteeringdorset.org.uk