A kitesurfer was found clinging to a pole off Ferrybridge in Portland Harbour.

Coastguards from Portland were called to a female kitesurfer in difficulty off Portland at around 2.44pm on Sunday (November 5).

Weymouth Inshore Lifeboat recovered the kitesurfer from the water and returned them to the shore at Hamm Beach.

Coastguards conducted a welfare check and the casualty required no further medical assistance.

A spokesperson for Portland Bill Coastguard said: "Portland Harbour Team tasked by Solent Coastguard along with Weymouth Lifeboat ILB, to a kitesurfer in difficulty in Portland Harbour.

"On scene Weymouth ILB located the kitesurfer clinging to a pole off Ferry Bridge, they recovered them from the water and returned them to the shoreline at Hamm Beach to be met by the team.

"The team conducted a welfare check and took details but with no further medical assistance required the team returned to the station."

A spokesperson for Weymouth Lifeboat said: "Following a report of concern to Coastguard by a member of the public s request to launch was received by our shore-based Duty Launch Authority

"Once on scene, at 14:44, a female kite-surfer was located clinging to pole off Ferrybridge in Portland Harbour.

"Our crew assisted the casualty to shore into the care of Portland Bill Coastguard Rescue Team (CRT)."