Durlston Country Park in Swanage is hosting a month long exhibition on rewilding.

The park’s Fine Foundation Gallery is hosting the 'Rewilding Unwrapped' exhibition created by photographer, geographer and podcaster Sam Rose.

It will explore the idea of rewilding by answering the question, ‘what if you just leave it’ and will be on display from Tuesday, November 7 until Sunday December 10, featuring images from west Dorset and Purbeck.

Durlston Country Park’s Shannon Dugdale said: “We’re very pleased to host such a thought provoking exhibition exploring this important technique for wildlife conservation.”

Rewilding is a conservational approach that explores the idea of letting nature look after itself, aiming to let land grow wild in attempts to restore degraded landscapes and ecosystems.

‘Rewilding Unwrapped’ will look further into this idea, exploring its advantages and disadvantages and why it will work for some areas and not others.

On November 26 there will also be an opportunity to join a Durlston ranger for a guided walk discussing the national nature reserve management, exploring where and how wilding techniques are used at Durlston and where they are not.

The exhibition will be open from 10am to 4pm daily and is free to enter.

To find out more, visit www.whatifyoujustleaveit.info

For more information on upcoming events and exhibitions then visit www.durlston.co.uk or call 01929 424443.