A minute's silence will remember the late Cllr Tony Ferrari at a public meeting in Preston today.

The main topic of the meeting is the neighbourhood plan consultation, with other agenda items including a speed watch update and incinerator appeal.

It will take place today (Tuesday) at Preston village hall from 6pm, and will also include a minute's silence for Preston Cllr Tony Ferrari who recently passed away.

Cllr Louie O'Leary, who is taking the lead at the meeting, said: "Having spoken to Tony's family and his wife we've agreed that he would want to this meeting go ahead especially as he had grave concerns around the neighbourhood plan." 

Concerns have been raised about the draft neighbourhood plan inclusion of sites in the Preston area for future development.

The plan sets out the policies that are used to help make decisions about planning applications in the Weymouth area.

It is led by the local community and gives everyone an opportunity to have a say and help shape future development.

The consultation period is open until 5pm on Friday, December 8 and residents can take part by taking part in an online survey.

The Plan went to full council on Wednesday, October 18 where approval was given to carry out the pre-submission consultation. 

To find out more about the plan or take part in the survey you can visit Weymouth Town Council's website at www.weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/neighbourhood-plan