Bollards are being introduced in West Bay in an effort to improve pedestrian safety.

A new scheme has begun which will see a demarked footway, additional space and bollards installed in front of the kiosks along George Street, as well as an improved bus stop with a new shelter, and surface treatments.

The demarked footway will see white lines painted to mark out a footway in order to create a safety zone, in particular for people using the kiosks along George Street up to the bridge.

The temporary red and white barriers that were initially put in place will soon be gone.

Parking restrictions are also being introduced, to waiting and no loading at any time, accompanied by a loading bay.

The works began on November 6 and will continue until December 1.

A spokesperson for Dorset Council said: “We are carrying out public realm enhancements around the Hub area in front of The George in West Bay.”

Motorists are being warned there may be some slight delays in the area as traffic signals could be put in place.

The spokesperson added: “The work is phased so that we are not working across the entire area, so traffic can be managed appropriately. This may require traffic signals at times or working within coned off areas.

“The footway reproduces the barriered-off area that has been in place during COVID and will help to make the area safer and more pleasant for pedestrians.”

The works are permanent and have also been welcomed by Bridport Town Council.

Mayor of Bridport, Cllr Dave Bolwell, said: “We are pleased to see these improvements in pedestrian safety in West Bay, which will maintain the additional space created during the pandemic restrictions and which have proved popular since then.

“Residents, visitors, businesses, and community groups have all approached us to keep them in place, but without the need for the unsightly temporary barriers.

“As a result, we were happy to support Dorset Council’s proposals.  The Town Council would have preferred the creation of a little more space for pedestrians in the area nearest to the sluice gate, but Dorset Council have advised this was not possible.”