ASDA Express has been granted a Premises Licence for its new store at Red Post, Winterborne Zelston.

It will limit the sale of alcohol from 6am until midnight every day with hot drinks only available after 10pm via a serving window, after the main doors is locked.

Residents had complained about possible public order problems if round the clock alcohol sales were allowed, as originally applied for. Some said the site had already proved an attraction at night for young drivers who had been congregating in a car park to the rear of the site.

In response to residents’ worries Euro Garages which own the site, working with Asda, reduced the hours requested for the sale of alcohol until midnight.

The company’s solicitor told a licensing hearing in Dorchester it had made the change because the business wanted to “be a good neighbour.”

None of the objectors gave evidence to the hearing and several, including the parish council, had dropped their objection after the offer to reduce alcohol sales to midnight was made.

The new licence condition for the site include comprehensive staff training for the sale of alcohol, CCTV cameras, no sales of miniature spirit bottles, all spirit bottles to be kept behind the counter and that the main entrance door has to be locked between 10pm and 6am, with a night service window in use during the early hours.