A drop-in session will be held for residents to have their say on the health and wellbeing offering on Portland and hear about ongoing work.

It will be held at the Portland Masonic Hall in Chiswell on Friday, December 1 from 2pm to 7pm.

It will be hosted by the Island Community Action (ICA) group.

Last February the Portland’s Hospital Development Group and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) – made up of the NHS, councils and the community and voluntary sector – organised a public meeting to listen to the challenges and concerns local people have around Portland’s health and wellbeing offer.

At that meeting, the ICB made a commitment to keep on listening and also to take a closer look at these challenges.

This session is to give the community the chance to learn about ongoing work and feed into the ongoing conversation.

ICA and a number of other local organisations have been supporting this work, under a newly formed ICB Portland Steering Group.

There will be mince pies available during the session.

The ICA is a small charity based on Portland set up to support the community.