THERE was a gas leak at a barber shop in Dorchester as contractors worked to fix a door.

Gentz Barbers on Trinity Street was closed yesterday, Thursday, November 23, whilst work was being carried out to re-fit the front door and window.

Contractors were replacing the doors when they went through the floor and hit a gas pipe.

The gas board was called out at around 11am to relocate the gas and make the property safe.

The works to fix the gas pipe meant the pavement was dug up and barriers were put in place, restricting pedestrian access. 

Dorset Echo: The pavement was dug up to fix the gas leakThe pavement was dug up to fix the gas leak (Image: Tom Lawrence)

Part of the footway on Trinity Street was closed to the public by SGN.

A contractor at the site said: "It looks worse than it was, we hit a gas pipe and had to call the gas board to come and relocate the gas. 

"We had to get it sorted before the doors went back in.

"The shop was closed so it didn't cause any risks to safety."

SGN was contacted for comment.