A Dorchester school is currently hosting a magical transformation into the mystical world of Narnia, providing pupils with a week-long experience of inspired writing and creativity.

Stunned children and parents arrived at The Prince of Wales School this week to find it had been transformed into scenes from C. S. Lewis' popular fantasy saga.

Dorset Echo: Students entered Narnia through a magical cupboardStudents entered Narnia through a magical cupboard (Image: The Prince of Wales School)

Staff spent the weekend transforming the school ready for Monday to provide the children with a unique learning experience.

Speaking about the transformation, headteacher, Gary Spracklen said: "We have an incredible staff team here at The Prince of Wales School who always go above and beyond to inspire our children to learn.

"They have surpassed themselves and created a truly awe-inspiring makeover. Children will be spending the week writing, using both the visual stimulus of the makeover and some ‘unique guests’ to engage all children in some special pieces of writing."

Dorset Echo: Mr Tumnus was there to great pupils as the entered Narnia Mr Tumnus was there to great pupils as the entered Narnia (Image: The Prince of Wales School)

As pupils entered the classroom through a cupboard, they were transported into the world made famous by the author C S Lewis, meeting some of the characters as the story took place in front of their eyes.

Deputy headteacher, Corinne March added: "Every single one of our children pushed their way into Narnia through the wardrobe door. As they moved aside the fur coats, they were greeted by Mr. Tumnus the faun.

“The children were careful not to be frozen solid by the Ice Queen who was lurking behind the corner and were left inspired by the tale that unfolded live in front of them. It was an incredible experience for all involved."

Dorset Echo: The Ice Queen from Narnia The Ice Queen from Narnia (Image: The Prince of Wales School)

The school will remain as Narnia until Christmas and the aim of the transformation is to encourage children to become good writers.

Parents and carers were also amazed at the transformation and said their children loved it.

Parent Charlotte Jackson said: "This is another excellent example of how the school is going above and beyond our expectations. This will be forever in the memory of our children."

Emma Brown, also a parent, said: "What an amazing start to the Christmas month.

“We are so lucky our children attend The Prince of Wales School. A huge thank you to Mr. Spracklen and all the staff."