A tree was hacked by doorstop sellers before being halted by police.

Earlier this afternoon two men arrived at a couple's doorstep in Southwell, Portland, offering tree work. They undertook the work immediately after a short conversation on the doorstep.

Police attended and, after a conversation, the tree surgeons left the area.

A spokesperson for Weymouth & Portland Police said: "Portland Neighbourhood Patrol Team would like to remind local residents to be vigilant of doorstep selling.

"This afternoon, we attended a couple's address on the island. They had two men arrive on the doorstep offering tree work. They undertook the work immediately, after a brief conversation on the doorstep.

"This is not allowed. The rules around doorstep selling are many, and can be found on this link: https://www.gov.uk/doorstep-selling-regulations

"After a conversation, with members of our team, the tree surgeons decided to leave the area.
We will be passing on our information to trading standards."