A WEYMOUTH holiday park is asking permission to build a hot food takeaway on the site.

The Haven Weymouth Bay site off Preston Road is asking for what is describes as a Cooks Unit on an area currently being used for caravan sales, using an adjoining service yard for bin storage.

Drawings show that it is likely to concentrate on fish and chip sales – which environmental health officers warn could lead to concerns from neighbours, including the nearby village hall.

The unit, of 53 square metres, if approved by Dorset Council, will sit just to the left of the Preston Road site entrance close to the site’s entertainment complex.

Reports on how the company will deal with noise and smells from the unit have been included with the planning request to Dorset Council, although council officers say there is no details about the proposed hours of operation.

Additional information about the details of the proposal have been requested by Dorset Council’s environmental health team prior to a planning decision being made.

A report contains a warning that the type of flu being suggested may not be suitable for the site and that there may be an over-reliance on natural vegetation to mask noise.

Officers suggest that the hours of operation should be limited to 11am to 11pm with no deliveries before 8am or after 8pm.

Public comments on the proposal, 2023/05790, remain open until the end of December.