Dorset Trading Standards is getting behind a national campaign for people to register their domestic appliances.

The safety campaign is being run by the Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances (AMDEA).

It encourages people to register their home appliances, whether they are old or new, to make sure manufacturers can get in touch in case a safety repair or recall is needed.

It’s easy, quick and free to register appliances online.

The website includes links to more than 70 brands where appliance owners can fill out details to gain the peace of mind that their home is safer because they have registered their appliance.

Cllr Laura Beddow, Portfolio Holder for Culture and Communities, said: “This is a great way to be the first to know of any safety repairs or recalls for your appliances.

"It also means that you don’t have to check for any recalls or repairs that are needed. These are normally carried out free of charge by the manufacturers.”

The campaign, which was kicked off in November, is endorsed by fire and rescue services, as well as nationwide, safety and consumer groups, and provides access to leading appliance brands sold in the UK.

Many manufacturers accept the registration of products at least 12 years old.

AMDEA CEO, Paul Hide, said: “Registering appliances directly with a wide range of manufacturers is free, easy, and quick. No proof of purchase is needed. It doesn’t matter whether an appliance is a new purchase,  already in the home, pre-used, or passed on by family or friends.

“With rising household costs, we also suspect there may be a growing market for pre-loved electricals, in addition to those actively seeking to recycle rather than buy new.”

He added: “Taking a few minutes to register all appliances allows manufacturers to identify each of their products, correctly target safety alerts, and make arrangements for free safety advice or repairs if needed.”

Appliances provided by social housing or privately rented homes and those in multi-occupancy dwellings are all eligible for free registration.

To increase the safety and the life of appliances, people can also find a listing of appliance safety repairs and recalls, hints and tips on household safety and recommendations for appliance care.

To register an appliance or for more information on appliance safety visit .