A TEENAGER kicked a police officer and used racist and homophobic language after being drunk and disorderly on Chesil Beach on Portland.

The 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared at Weymouth Youth Court.

He was charged with being drunk and disorderly in a public place and assault by beating of an emergency worker.

He pleaded guilty to both charges.

Tara Olney for the Crown Prosecution Service said: "On December 31, New Year's Eve, police received a 999 call raising concern for the welfare of the defendant.

"He was talking about walking into the sea.

"He was found by police and ran away, he was very drunk.

"His mother was called and asked for him to be taken home.

"He was restrained and handcuffed and taken home.

"In the police car, he was swearing and using abusive language and once he was taken home he kept repeating racially abusive language.

"He also used homophobic language towards one officer.

"He then said I am going to kill your kids and cut your face from ear to ear.

"He then kicked the police officer on the shin, which caused the officer some pain and caused his shin to swell.

"He was restrained and taken into custody."

The defendant said: "I am not like that usually, I was aggressive and the language that I used was not acceptable."

For the two offences, the teenager was given a six-month referral order and was ordered to pay £75 in compensation to the officer he assaulted.

The Chair of the Magistrates bench, Mrs Foster, said: "This was a nasty attack.

"It would have been a four-month referral but we take a very dim view of assaulting an emergency worker."