Police have issued a warning about scammers after an elderly man was targeted.

The nature of the swindle has not been disclosed - but police say residents should be on their guard against all kinds of scams.

A spokesperson for Dorchester Police said: "A visit was made by the local PCSO to an elderly gentleman as he had been a victim of a scam.

"Scams are all too common and come in all forms - some being via phone calls, emails and doorstep callers.

"The victims of these scams can lose lots of money which can have a huge impact on their life.

"The local Neighbourhood Policing Team always try and follow up with a visit to victims ensuring safeguarding is put in place.

"Please be aware of answering the phone to unknown persons, replying to emails and opening attachments."

For any advice on current scams you can look on the Dorset Police website and Action Fraud website https://orlo.uk/ZHGz6/ https://orlo.uk/wZ8Fu

Here's some advice from Age UK to protect yourself from doorstep scams:

Remember, you don't have to open the door to anyone you don't know. If you are opening the door to a stranger, always think: Stop, Lock, Chain and Check.

Stop: Are you expecting anyone?

Lock: If not, lock any other outer doors before answering the front door, as some scammers work together.

Chain: Put the door chain on – but remember to take it off again if people with a key, such as a carer or cleaner, need to be able to get in. Look through the peep hole to see who's there.

Check: Ask for an identity card and examine it carefully. If you're still unsure, phone the company the person says they're from. Get the number from a bill or your phone book. Don't worry about leaving someone waiting, if they're who they say they are, they won't mind. If you're being pressured or feel unsafe, contact friends, family or the police.

There are some other ways you can avoid doorstep scams, too:

Never buy from door-to-door sellers.

Ask for a 'No cold callers' sign from your local council, or get a printable version online and put it on the front door or in the window.

Set up a password with your utility providers to be used by anyone they send around, so you can be sure they're genuine.

Don't be embarrassed to say 'No' or ask people to leave.

Never sign anything on the spot – take time to think about an offer, even if it seems genuine. When it comes to home improvements, it's always best to get several written quotes before deciding.

Don't accept deliveries of anything you didn't order that's addressed to you. If you accept them without realising, contact the company they were sent from or the local police.

Never hand over your bank cards, cash, jewellery or any other valuable items to anyone claiming to be from the police or your bank.

Meanwhile, Action Fraud says there are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself against fraudsters.

1. Do not give any personal information (name, address, bank details, email or phone number) to organisations or people before verifying their credentials.

2. Make sure your computer has up-to-date anti-virus software and a firewall installed. Ensure your browser is set to the highest level of security and monitoring to prevent malware issues and computer crimes.

3. Many frauds start with a phishing email. Remember that banks and financial institutions will not send you an email asking you to click on a link and confirm your bank details. Do not trust such emails, even if they look genuine. You can always call your bank using the phone number on a genuine piece of correspondence, website (typed directly into the address bar) or the phone book to check if you’re not sure.

4. Sign-up to Verified by Visa or MasterCard Secure Code whenever you are given the option while shopping online. This involves you registering a password with your card company and adds an additional layer of security to online transactions with signed-up retailers.

5. You should regularly get a copy of your credit file and check it for entries you don’t recognise. Callcredit, Equifax and Experian can all provide your credit file. An identity protection service such as ProtectMyID monitors your Experian credit report and alerts you by email or SMS to potential fraudulent activity. If it's fraud, a dedicated caseworker will help you resolve everything.

6. Destroy and preferably shred receipts with your card details on and post with your name and address on. Identity fraudsters don’t need much information in order to be able to clone your identity.

7. If you receive bills, invoices or receipts for things that you haven’t bought, or financial institutions you don’t normally deal with or contact you about outstanding debts, take action. Your identity may have been stolen.

8. Be extremely wary of post, phone calls or emails offering you business deals out of the blue. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always question it.

9. If you have been a victim of fraud, be aware of fraud recovery fraud. This is when fraudsters pretend to be a lawyer or a law enforcement officer and tell you they can help you recover the money you’ve already lost.