Police detained two people for a stop and search.

Officers from Weymouth and Portland Police stopped a vehicle along Rodwell Avenue and detained the two occupants for a drug search.

The stop was based on the actions of the driver and information held on the individuals that suggested they may be linked to the supply of drugs.

The search came back as negative but ‘helped police to continue building their intelligence picture and disrupts those intent on being involved in this activity.’

The information comes after multiple police vehicles were reportedly spotted along the road yesterday afternoon (Saturday, February 10).

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said: “Yesterday afternoon members of the public may have seen a number of police vehicles stopped with a vehicle on Rodwell Avenue.

“A vehicle was stopped, and the two occupants detained for a search under section 23 misuse of drugs act. The stop was based on the actions of the driver and intelligence held on the individuals that suggested they may be linked to the supply of drugs.

“On this occasion it was a negative search but helps us to continue building our intelligence picture and disrupts those intent on being involved in this activity. We only have to get lucky once.”

Information can be shared with Dorset Police here: https://orlo.uk/uBqhG/.