PLANS to replace a public address system on Weymouth seafront with a 'horn' system have been unanimously approved by Weymouth councillors.

At a meeting of the full council on Wednesday, February 21, councillors approved the plans to replace the existing public address (PA) system, which was installed for the 2012 Olympic Games, with a horn system costing around £9,000.

The plans had been approved by both the Environment and Services Committee on Wednesday, January 24, and Finance and Governance Committee on Wednesday, February 7, before being voted on by full council.

The new system would involve a cone-shaped speaker set up, and controlled by, the Beach Control Office near the King's Statue.

The current system - installed for the 2012 Olympic Games - uses a range of amplifiers, speakers and radio equipment. Broadcasts are made from the Pavilion, with an engineer required to turn the system on and off every time it is used.

As part of the plans, officers will also plan for a wider replacement of the PA system and will look into the costings for a 100V line system with 90 speakers along the promenade at a later date.