Locals gathered at a pub to celebrate a man’s triumphant charity run in honour of his dad who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last year.

David Lloyd, 34, from Weymouth, set himself a challenge of running 48 miles with his friend Lee Beardmore, 44, to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. 

The chosen charity is a cause close to David’s heart as his dad, Frank Lloyd, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in November.

READ MORE: Son to tackle challenge run to honour dad with Alzheimer's

Dorset Echo: David Lloyd and his dad Frank Lloyd

The initial goal was £1,000 but David has exceeded this target, raising nearly double the amount. 

He said: “We’ve been blown away by everyone’s support and generosity through donations and other people who’ve been out to support us while we were running.

“We’re now up to £1,823. It’s been amazing and we’re really grateful to everyone who’s donated. A lot of people have been saying they know people who have been affected by the disease. So, the run has been good raising money for a charity close to everyone’s heart.”

David and Lee were also joined by friend Shaun Brown, 22, who decided to try and complete the David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge.

Their run began on Friday, February 16, and saw them run four miles, every four hours, for 48 hours around the Weymouth area.

David said: “We decided we didn’t want to do the same route over and over, so we mixed it up. We ran along the Lodmoor Country Park, to Weymouth Pavilion, along Weymouth Harbour. At night time we ran along the seafront as it was well lit.

After finishing their 48-mile challenge on the Sunday morning, they decided to challenge themselves to a bonus round where they ran from Café Oasis to the Sailors Return in fancy dress.

Dorset Echo: L to R: Shaun Brown (Catwoman) 22,David Lloyd (Batman 34), Lee Beardmore (Robin) 44

David said: “We thought what better way to finish off than doing an extra round in fancy dress midday on Sunday running along the beach front, up every town high street and across the harbour.

“We had a decent day of weather, so we ran along and were high fiving all the kids that had come out to support us it was great.”

Various local people including friends and family joined them at the Sailors Return for a celebratory drink, including David’s dad who was immensely proud of his son and all the supporters.

David said: “He’s been blown away by it all. He did a speech in the pub and got choked up as he’s just been really proud that the three of us managed to do it.

“Everyone did a whip around and we received another £140 donation just from people in the pub. It’s just been unbelievable.”

David and his friends have expressed their immense gratitude for everyone who has supported them in their fundraising journey.

“Thank you to everyone who donated. It all goes towards research for Alzheimer’s to help people suffering from that disease and just a big thanks to the everyone in the whole of Weymouth - until the next challenge!”