A sports centre in Dorchester is inviting locals to participate in free taster classes as part of its wellness day.

To celebrate the leap year, 1610 Dorchester Sports Centre are hosting a day of activities on February 29 to promote wellness and selfcare amongst the local community.

There will be free baby and toddler swimming sessions throughout the day as well as free exercise tasters including HITT classes, spin classes, gym circuits and aquafit classes.

The centre is also working in partnership with Dorset Police to offer free bike marking, sponsored by insurance company NFU and risk management service provider RiskStop.

Health professionals will also be in attendance as well as representatives from Dorset Sex Health.

Belinda Everson, Customer Experience Advisor at 1610 sports centre, said: "We have organised this event to get everyone in the local area to think about wellness, not only for themselves, but for their family members too.

“We are so fortunate to have fantastic facilities here at the sports centre, and we want to showcase this in an exciting way, whilst giving local businesses the opportunity to network with each other.”

A full schedule of events can be found on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dorchestersportscentre