AN APPLICATION window for funding to support low-income households in Dorset during the cost of living crisis closed after being open for just over half an hour.

Round 4 of the Household Support Fund (HSF) closed for applications in the Dorset Council area after being opened for just 32 minutes on Tuesday, according to a council spokesperson.

A total of 1,300 applications were allocated which went through before the window closed.

The government scheme, funded by the Department for Work and Pensions to help 'vulnerable households' with the rising cost of energy bills and food, provides the support in the form of supermarket vouchers.

Applications for a previous round also closed quickly, demonstrating the level of demand.

The government has not announced whether it will fund any new schemes after April 1.

A total of 12,000 vouchers were issued by Citizen’s Advice worth more than £1.8m through government funding and an additional £350,000 from council reserves.

On top of the supermarket vouchers, the HSF also funds a holiday voucher scheme which saw 11,500 free school meal or early years pupil premium eligible children receiving vouchers for food during the school holidays, which totalled more than £2m this year.

Schools and early years settings will be issuing £30 Easter holiday vouchers to eligible families on or before March 28.

Parents do not need to apply as schools and early years settings will issue vouchers for eligible children automatically. 

A further £600,000 has been distributed via discretionary grants, including to Age UK and Citizens Advice, who have supported hundreds of households with the rising cost of living.

Within the council, the Carer Support team, Children’s Services Locality and Care Leaver teams, and housing team have made sure targeted support has reached residents most in need over the year.

Grants were also awarded to 25 food banks and affordable food projects across the county.

Cllr Laura Beddow, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Culture, Communities and Customer Services said: “With this funding, we’ve been able to help thousands of households across the Dorset Council area with access to support over the last three years.

“We know many households are still struggling with the cost of living challenges and there is still information and support available, whether be access to food, money and debt advice or support with your household bills.”

To find out more about the services that the council can provide during the cost of living crisis, visit