A structure of concrete blocks and timber fencing could remain along part of Weymouth Beach until the autumn.

The ‘not so aesthetically pleasing’ structure was put in place as a temporary measure after a section of beach wall collapsed.

As reported by the Echo, the wall at Greenhill beach could be seen sagging towards the sea in early March and was held in place by large stones until the concrete blocks replaced the collapsed wall.

Approximately 60m of the wall collapsed during works that were supposed to stabilise it.

Dorset Council has now revealed that ‘the concrete blocks and timber fence will stay in place until a permanent solution is designed and implemented,’ which is ‘likely to be in the autumn.’

A Dorset Council spokesperson said: “The fence is to prevent people tripping over interlocking features of the blocks.

“We acknowledge they may not be most aesthetically pleasing arrangements, but they are necessary to stabilise the area, allowing this part of the promenade to stay open until a permanent solution is built.”

The fence has two signs reading ‘please keep off’ on the beach side as a safety measure and to keep the temporary structure in a good condition until more permanent measures can be put in place.

Council teams from Highways and Flood and Coastal Erosion departments worked together to stabilise the structure and intend to carry out emergency remedial works over a number of days.

Earlier repair works saw the beach closed to members of the public from the Seascape Café to the Brunswick Café at the end of Brunswick Terrace.

The council explained that without this maintenance work, the foundations of the sea wall could be undermined by the action of the waves, which in turn would cause significant damage to the promenade over time.

Former borough councillor and Weymouth resident James Farquharson said: "The structure toppling over must have been an unpleasant surprise for the digger driver. I believe the sea walls haven't had much maintenance for decades so it's not entirely surprising something like this would happen.

"I do feel for the new council having to sort out the backlog of works it inherited from its predecessors."