The next High Sheriff of Dorset has been named.

Brewery boss Anthony Woodhouse has been appointed to the role of  High Sheriff, an independent office  and non-political position appointed by the monarchy for a single-year term.

The High Sheriff is the King’s representative in the county in respect of law and order.

Mr Woodhouse, who was appointed in a ceremony at the Tank Museum, said: “I feel honoured to step into the role of High Sheriff for Dorset and am excited for the year ahead.

"I look forward to educating myself on the judicial system, discovering amazing people doing amazing things, and thanking those people who work so hard helping and supporting others.”

His appointment was marked with a declaration ceremony and celebration at the Tank Museum in Bovington.

Dignitaries and community leaders from across the region gathered with friends and family to celebrate the appointment, with the Dorset Police Brass Ensemble accompanying the occasion.

The ceremonial panel included Chaplain to the High Sheriff The Reverend Chris Beaumont, Justice of the Peace Chika Udezue, JP, Under Sheriff of Dorset Katharine Jones, and Colin Weston MBE JP, High Sheriff of Dorset in 2023/24.

Established before the Norman conquest of 1066, the role was established by royal appointment, and in contemporary times, plays an active role in supporting work being done across the county, both in areas of emergency services as well as public sector bodies such as probation and prison services.

High Sheriffs also play an increasingly active role in promoting the voluntary sector within their communities and highlighting the work of often unsung heroes.

In his role as chairman of the Hall and Woodhouse brewery, famed for its Badger beer, Mr Woodhouse has previously said that 'it’s a privilege to support charities and the vital projects'.

This came after the brewery donated half of its profits from its managed houses on a charity day in November.

The brewery raised hundreds of thousands of pounds in 2023 and his previous charity work should put Mr Woodhouse in a good position in his role as High Sheriff.