TOILETS in Weymouth were left in a horrific state by vandals.

Facilities at the Marsh playing fields at the back of the building occupied by Moonfleet 2000 Bowling Club have been targeted again with toilets and sinks deliberately blocked in an attempt to flood the building.

A councillor said she was "angry" at the "mindless" and "immature" vandalism of the toilets, which she worries could lead to their eventual closure.

The playing fields are a regular hotspot for anti-social behaviour and are patrolled frequently by Dorset Police.

The opening times of the toilets are shorter than other public toilets across the town due to the likelihood of vandalism.

A video from Weymouth Town Council captured the latest damage at the toilets.

Weymouth town councillor and Dorset Councillor for Westham, Cllr Gill Taylor, raised concerns that the persistent vandalism of the toilets could lead to the town council considering closing them for good.

She said: "Those toilets have cost the town council a fortune.

"It is such a shame, how on earth the town council can keep going with this, I don't know.

"I am really disappointed because everyone ends up paying for it and that is where I get angry because it costs so much to repair every time.

"It is mindless, immature individuals who have no respect.

"We need those public toilets but there comes a point where the council considers closing them because it costs everyone to keep repairing them and enough is enough.

"It really is frustrating because destroying toilets is not a game."

Dorset Echo: The toilets and the sink were blocked by vandals in a video captured by Weymouth Town Council staffThe toilets and the sink were blocked by vandals in a video captured by Weymouth Town Council staff (Image: Weymouth Town Council)

Weymouth Town Council said the persistent damage "consumes time and money" for the council.

A spokesperson for Weymouth Town Council said: “It’s very disappointing to see the Marsh toilets vandalised again.

"This has been a regular occurrence at these facilities and it’s hugely disappointing.

"We have reported this to the police. Not only does this vandalism consume valuable time and resources of the Council staff, but it also incurs financial expenses for repairs.”

In February, extra CCTV cameras were installed at the Marsh playing fields, including around the area of Weymouth Swimming Pool at the bottom of Knightsdale Road - a known hang-out for groups in the evening.

Police are regularly called to the area to deal with anti-social behaviour and calls have been made for a number of years to introduce measures to deal with problems.

A spokesperson for the bowls club said: "We have had quite a lot of incidents there, we had one where they put a 'no waiting' sign into the toilet, stuffed toilet paper in the bowl and set fire to it.

"We used to suffer graffiti quite badly, but that has quietened down quite a lot.

"It has got a lot better, the whole area is covered by CCTV.

"The police come down every day as well, they regularly patrol this area."

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: "We received a report at around 4.45pm on Wednesday, April 3, of criminal damage to public toilets by the bowls club at The Marsh playing fields in Weymouth.

"Officers will be carrying out enquiries into this matter. No arrests have been made."