People are calling for hooligan boy racers to stop blighting West Bay as frustration grows over the issue.

They are speaking out in fear that someone could be killed by a speeding vehicle in the resort and want to see more cameras installed in the area.

A Bridport mum has come forward to tell of an incident in which she had to push her son out of the path of a car which was speeding into a West Bay car park.

Her concerns are echoed by a West Bay resident who has witnessed another near-accident involving two cars.

They have spoken to the News after the excessive speeding of boy racers caused stones from a car park to fly up in the air and smash the windows of The Station Kitchen restaurant, leading to traders and councillors voicing their concerns on the issue.

READ MORE: 'West Bay traders voice concerns over boy racers'

Patricia, who has lived in Bridport with her family for the past 12 years, describes parts of West Bay as a ‘no-go zone’ after her son with learning difficulties was ‘almost killed’ by a boy racer.

She said she is still shaken by the incident, in which she had to push her adult son out of the path of a speeding car which, she said, was entering a car park at nearly 60mph.

Patricia was walking with her 30-year-old son to the play park near the West Bay Road long-stay car park.

She said: “It was dark, around 9.30pm because we try to go in the evening as my son finds it more comfortable.

“We were in the park near the station as he enjoys swinging in the big-baskets when we made our way back to the car across the car park.

“A car then came screeching into the car park at nearly 60mph and I had to push my son out of the way onto the ground.”

She said that due to her son’s ‘profound learning disabilities’ he was unaware of how close he was to being hit by the car.”

“The car then screamed out of the car park and back along to West Bay Road and I was thinking, ‘I could have had a dead son.’ It’s a month later and I’m still shaken.”

The concerned mum said more needs to be done to deter boy racers from being in the car park including more cameras.

“It was appalling, it was awful, there should be a gate there that closes after a certain time, as well as lights and CCTV - it shouldn’t matter if the posts are weak.

“West Bay used to be a lovely place for a walk but it’s impacting residents, and I am just horrified to think that so many parts of West Bay are being affected by this.

“This has made the Esplanade a complete no-go area. Why should we be impacted on by idiots who should not be allowed to drive cars?”

Dorset Echo: Resident's concerns of 'boy racing' in Bridport

Patricia reported the incident with the police, but she said there was little they could do without a visible registration for the car.

A West Bay resident says he has noticed the same group of around 10 to 15 cars frequently ‘roaring around’ the area of West Bay Road, the Esplanade and car parks.

The man, who does not wish to be named for fear of reprisal, said: “I reported them to the police because I witnessed a near accident in which the car had to take action to avoid being hit.

“Something needs to be done because someone is going to be killed. I have even seen one car on the pebble bank (beach).”

The concerned resident is calling for speed cameras to be placed on West Bay Road and around the Esplanade in an attempt to tackle the issue.

Bridport town councillor Dave Bolwell said car meets involving speeding vehicles are an ongoing issue in the area which ‘has to stop.’ He said: “I am very concerned about this issue, and I agree that it is dangerous and has to stop.

“It is not new as there have been many historical complaints of problems in the Station and West Bay Road car parks.

“I have asked both Dorset Council and our Police and Crime Commissioner what actions they propose to take, especially in light of this recent escalation.“People need to understand there will be consequences when they behave this way and I call upon our police and Dorset Council to work together to get this message across and take proactive action.

“Car registrations of those involved are known by the police. We want action, not excuses.”

Local police officers say they ‘are aware’ of the issue and are encouraging members of the public to raise any information or concerns with them.

Neighbourhood Sergeant Mike Brown, of Bridport police, said: “We take the concerns of residents very seriously and recently held a multi-agency meeting with our partners to discuss anti-social driving in West Bay.

“Officers from the local neighbourhood policing team have visited the community to understand the full extent of what is being reported and we will continue to liaise with residents to provide support and gather intelligence.

“Anti-social behaviour related to vehicles is a priority for the area and we will be increasing our patrols to reduce this type of activity.

“As well as posing serious risks to road users, we recognise this kind of behaviour can have a significant impact on local residents and we will take positive action against anyone identified as committing an offence.

“We have a number of powers we can utilise to prevent anti-social behaviour from escalating such as the issuing of warning notices and seizure of vehicles.

“We will continue to work closely with partner agencies and take proportionate action to tackle the issue and ensure residents and visitors feel safe in the community.”

Bridport Town Clerk Will Austin said: “We would encourage people to report any incidents to police, even if they cannot respond immediately, it does help to inform their patrolling.

“The town council will contact police to follow up on the incidents which have been raised.”