Details from Weymouth magistrates court registers, April 22, 24, and 25 as well as May 1, 2, 7, 8.


SOPHIE DOWNES, aged 22, of Rosebay Drive, Weymouth. Admitted using threatening or abusive words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm, or distress. Discharged conditionally for 12 months. To pay a surcharge of £26 and court costs of £40.

DANIEL FORD, aged 33, of the Bus Shelter Dorset, Mount Pleasant Park and Ride, Weymouth. Admitted possession of a controlled Class B drug, namely cannabis/cannabis resin. Discharged conditionally for 12 months. Forfeiture and destruction of the drugs. No order for costs due to a lack of means.

JOSHUA JENKINS, aged 30, of Dawlish Crescent, Weymouth. Admitted to driving a motor vehicle whilst above the alcohol level limit at namely 43 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeding the prescribed limit of 35 microgrammes. Disqualified from driving for 12 months, fined £320, court costs of £85 and a surcharge of £128.

ADAM JAMES ANSTEY, aged 36, of St Michael's Court, Weymouth. Admitted to driving on the A338 Wessex Way in Bournemouth at a speed exceeding the limit of 40mph, namely 50mph. Fined £176, ordered to pay a surcharge of £70 and court costs of £90. Driving licence endorsed with three penalty points.

BRADLEY OLIVER DAVIS, aged 27, of Clayton Close, Weymouth. Proved to have failed to give information relating to the identification of the driver of a vehicle alleged to have been guilty of an offence. Fined £660, ordered to pay a surcharge of £264 and court costs of £90. Driving licence endorsed with six penalty points.

ZACHARY CHARLES FALCUS, aged 34, of Laburnum Close. Admitted to using a motor vehicle on Commercial Road, Weymouth without insurance. Fined £120,  ordered to pay a surcharge of £48 and court costs of £90. Driving licence endorsed with six penalty points.

DALE SHARMAN, aged 44, of Sedgefield Close, Weymouth. Proved to have failed to give information about the identity of the driver of a motor vehicle alleged to have been guilty of an offence. Fined £660, ordered to pay a surcharge of £264 and court costs of £90. Driving licence endorsed with six penalty points.

RAYMOND KENNETH STOREY, aged 69, of Avenue Road, Weymouth. Admitted to driving on the A35 Watton, Bridport, at a speed exceeding the limit of 50mph, namely 68mph. Fined £245, ordered to pay a surcharge of £98, and court costs of £90. Driving licence endorsed with four penalty points.

BENJAMIN ANTONY WALLER, aged 28, of Dover Road, Weymouth. Admitted to driving on Lanehouse Rocks Road, Weymouth, whilst using a hand-held mobile telephone. Fined £143 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £57. Driving licence endorsed with six penalty points.


BRANDON ANDERSON, aged 22, East Weare Road, Portland. Admitted breaching a community order by failing to complete mandatory unpaid work courses. Also failed to provide evidence of a reasonable excuse for the absences within the agreed time limits. Fined £800 and to pay court costs of £60.

STEVEN NEAL, aged 44, Fortuneswell, Portland. Admitted to two counts of theft from the Tesco supermarket on Park Road, Portland, stealing items valued at £188.54, and £291.50. Ordered to pay compensation of £188.54 and £291.50, to complete a 12-month community order and 12 rehabilitation days.

DONNA THOMSON, aged 40, Ayton Drive, Portland. Admitted to using a motor vehicle on Portland Beach Road, Weymouth without insurance. Fined £215 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £85. Driving licence endorsed with six penalty points.


ANDREW PAIN, aged 47, Poundbury Crescent, Dorchester. Admitted to destroying £350 of property belonging to another. To pay £600 in compensation, not to contact the victim, or enter a street in Dorchester. Ordered to pay court costs of £85.


AJAY NOTT, aged 25, Old Compton Lane, Bradford Abbas. Admitted to causing criminal damage to property valued under £5,000, namely a window and door in Sherborne. Discharged conditionally for 12 months. Ordered to pay compensation of £350, court costs of £85, and a surcharge of £26.

SYLVIA HELEN CLASS, aged 82, of The Street, Sutton Waldron. Admitted driving on the A350 Blandford Road, Iwerne Minster at a speed exceeding the limit of 30mph, namely 36mph. Fined £72 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £28. Driving licence endorsed with three penalty points.

ASHLEY MARC RAWLINGS, aged 49, of Plush. Admitted to driving on Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen at a speed exceeding the limit of 30mph, namely 35mph. Fined £72, ordered to pay a surcharge of £28. Driving licence endorsed with three penalty points.


JAMES ROBINSON, aged 29, Old Church Road, Bridport. Admitted to possession of the Class A drug cocaine after being found with 16 half-gram bags on West Street, Bridport. Fined £200, to pay a surcharge of £85 and court costs of £80. Drugs to be forfeited and destroyed.

KYLE NEIL SMALDON, aged 24, of a farm off Champernhayes Lane, near Wooton Fitzpaine. Admitted driving on the A35 Charmouth bypass at a speed exceeding the limit of 60mph, namely 98mph. Fined £369, ordered to pay a surcharge of £148, court costs of £110. Driving licence endorsed with six penalty points.

SHONA LOUISE HODDER, aged 46, of Copyhold Lane, Winterbourne Abbas. Proved to have used a motor vehicle on South Walks Road, Dorchester without insurance. Fined £660, ordered to pay a surcharge of £264 and to pay costs of £90. Driving licence endorsed with six penalty points.

TYRA NOZAIC GOOSEN, aged 43, of Winterbourne Steepleton. Admitted to driving on the A35 in Winterbourne Abbas at a speed exceeding the limit of 30mph, namely 41mph. Fined £230, ordered to pay a surcharge of £92, and court costs of £90. Driving licence endorsed with four penalty points.