A CAMPSITE near Dorchester is proposing two camping sessions during the season.

Dewflock Farm, off Herringston Lane, close to the rail line and A354, is proposing a camp from May 24th until June 3rd for 49 pitches and from August 2nd until August 26th.

The site, like many others, is using Government changes to planning laws brought in after Covid to allow sites of up to 50 pitches for 60 days in total during the year, without the need for formal planning consent.

The farm, of 144 acres, has run a camp site in the past, using a converted barn as a small shop.

A planning agent’s letter to Dorset Council says that foul drainage from loos, shows and sinks will be collected in an underground tank, and collected by a licensed and approved contractor, making the camping nutrient neutral.

Users of the camping website, PitchUp, have rated the site 9.9 out of ten, describing it as ‘great for families’ although, because the farm has livestock, dogs are not allowed.