‘Good progress’ is being made cutting verges in Dorset following last year’s ‘nightmare.’

Last year, Dorset Council faced issues ‘after mowers broke down’ leaving them with a backlog of overgrown grass that needed to be dealt with.

READ MORE: Council catching up on grass cutting after mowers broke down

READ MORE: Residents fury as 'dangerous' long grass left uncut

A Dorset Council spokesperson said: “Our Greenspace team are making good progress on their cutting schedule as they work through Weymouth. All going well, the team will be in Southill by the end of this week and will continue cutting here throughout next week.

“We maintain roadside verges to keep visibility clear and our county’s roads safe. Cutting of verges is divided into our rural cutting programme and our urban cutting programme.”

Urban areas, defined as those within or below the 30mph zones, are mostly cut by the council’s in-house teams.

Sometimes urban verges are cut by local agreements with town or parish councils.

The rural cutting programme on the other hand covers all verges on roads above 40mph.

The total length of rural roads being cut in Dorset is 1,672 miles and cutting is undertaken by contractors.

Dorset Council has significantly changed the way they manage many of their verges in the last few years in an attempt to protect, conserve and enhance the verges in Dorset for biodiversity.