Weymouth has received a major boost from changes at Dorset Council.

Four councillors representing the town are set to be appointed to the cabinet.

The council’s new leader, Cllr Nick Ireland has appointed the four representatives from the area – including one from the Green Party – highlighting the Lib Dems 'commitment to cross-party working'.

President of Weymouth and Portland's Chamber of Commerce, Paul Appleby sees the appointments as a real positive for the town. 

He said: “That’s fantastic – it’s amazing.

"More representation can only be good for the town and its businesses and its great that Weymouth has been recognised.

“I can only see it as a benefit to Weymouth and I am sure these councillors will do a fantastic job representing residents’ businesses and visitors.

“It’s proportional representation for Weymouth.”

Green Party Cllr Clare Sutton, who represents the ward of Rodwell and Wyke is ‘looking forward’ to her new role as portfolio holder for children’s services, education and skills.

She also says it is ‘excellent’ that the Weymouth area is being represented so well at cabinet level.

READ: What changes can the new Dorset Council Lib Dem administration make?

Cllr Sutton said: “I could not be more passionate about ensuring that all our children have the best start in life and every opportunity to grow and thrive, so I was delighted to accept this role.

"Whilst there are always challenges, particularly given available resources, Dorset Council’s children’s services has an excellent reputation nationally and I very much look forward to being part of the team.

“The willingness of the new administration to work cross-party to deliver the best for Dorset augurs well for the next five years.

READ: Cutting car park charges a priority for Dorset Council

"It’s also excellent to see greater representation from the Weymouth area at cabinet level, given that this part of the county faces particular challenges.”  

Other councillors that will be representing the area are Westham Cllr Ryan Hope, who is set to become portfolio holder for customer, culture and community engagement, Chickerell Cllr Gill Taylor as portfolio holder for public health, environmental health and housing, and Chickerell Cllr Simon Clifford as portfolio holder for finance and capital strategy.

Chickerell councillor Simon Clifford said: “[It's] good to see that people in one of Dorset’s most populous areas are finally getting the representation they deserve.

READ: Dorset elections: Lib Dems take control of Dorset Council

The Lib Dem Group has already promised to look into the extortionate car parking charges that are faced by many in tourists’ hotspots like Weymouth and has said it will discontinue the role of ‘lead councillor, which in effect, were deputies to the main portfolio holders and not necessary.

He added: “It is exciting to see how we will deliver on our campaign promises on areas like car park charges to boost the local economy, helping struggling families through the cost-of-living crisis, and building the affordable housing people across Dorset are crying out for.”