A Weymouth student is turning to flower power and selling plants to help fund a once-in-a-lifetime school trip.

Daniel Bushell is taking part in a four-week Camp International expedition to Borneo in July 2025 which has been organised through his school, Budmouth Academy.

The 15-year-old is among a 20-strong group of students taking part in the expedition which will include a five-day trek exploring the south east Asian island's jungle ecosystem and tropical wilderness.

The students will also play an active part in helping to protect the country’s environment and learn about orangutan conservation.

READ: Budmouth Academy student raises funds to volunteer in Borneo

They’ll live in the heart of a rural village and work alongside local people to support community development.

To help cover some of the £5,000 cost of the trip, Daniel is planting out a thousand pots with perennial seeds.

He hopes to sell the plants, including cornflowers, lupins and sedums, from June onwards.

Daniel, of Wyke Road, Weymouth, is also planning other money-raising ventures including selling off old Lego pieces.

His fundraising campaign was given a big boost though with a donation of two 1m3 bulk bags of multi-purpose compost, each weighing around half a tonne, from Dorset recycling company, Eco Sustainable Solutions.

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Daniel described the donation as “very generous” while his dad, Paul, who is helping with the fundraising campaign, said: “We’re just completely overwhelmed.”

He added: “The compost would have cost a lot so to receive such a large donation free of charge is just amazing. We’re incredibly grateful to Eco.”

Founded in 1995, Dorset-based Eco Sustainable Solutions is a pioneering family-run business recycling more than 250,000 tonnes a year of organic waste from Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire, converting it into green energy and high-quality landscape products.

The company has an annual turnover of £17 million, employs 58 people and has sites in Parley, Piddlehinton and Weymouth.

Its renewable energy and landscaping products include soils, composts, mulch, turf, barks and playground surfaces as well as green power supplied to local households and commercial customers.

Bryony Hammond, Eco’s brand and communications executive, said: “We’re only too happy to help Daniel in his fundraising initiative and hope the plants raise lots of money towards his trip to Borneo.”

Anyone interested in purchasing the pot plants can email plants@liritek.co.uk