Roadworks on a busy industrial estate which resulted in a lane closure finished earlier than expected.

But workers will return to the Granby Industrial Estate later this year to work on the road.

Hampshire Road and Cumberland Drive through the Granby were closed southbound for a month from Monday, April 15 so that a footpath could be resurfaced.

The work was finished three days ahead of schedule.

Only the pavement on one side of the road was worked on and Dorset Council said this is because the opposite footway "is in a better condition and did not warrant works at this time”.

Dorset Echo: The footpath has been repavedThe footpath has been repaved (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

The council said it plans to resurface the road later this year - though no date has been confirmed. The work - when it happens - will be carried out overnight.

A Dorset Council spokesperson said: “We finished the current works on Tuesday (May 14), three days ahead of schedule, and we thank everyone for their cooperation and patience during this work.

“We will return later this year to repair the road as part of our planned structural maintenance programme.

"These repairs will use different machinery and processes so they could not take place at the same time as the pavement/footway repairs. These carriageway works will take place at night time only to keep disruption to a minimum."

Dorset Echo:

Mickey Jones, Chief Executive at DJ Property - which owns most of the Granby Industrial Estate - said: "The roadworks were not too bad actually. I did not hear anything too bad. Disruption you expect, but the path needed doing.

"They (Dorset Council) have been talking to me about making sure all businesses are informed (of the resurfacing). I know they have work planned but we don't have the dates yet.

"It being overnight helps tremendously. The good thing about the Granby is it has circular roads, so it is easy to have a diversion. So if they limit it to overnight there should be minimal disruption.

"The key thing everyone needs to remember is that this is really essential. The roads are heavily used and they are in very bad shape. There are too many holes in the road at the moment."

Dorset Echo: Mickey Jones at Link Park, Weymouth in 2015Mickey Jones at Link Park, Weymouth in 2015 (Image: John Gurd)

One of the businesses affected by the closure was Class Bodyworks.

A partner said: "It (the recent roadworks) didn't cause us any disruption. It was ok. 

"If the road needs resurfacing it needs resurfacing. I don't see any problems where we are but I know near the top it is all over the place, particularly when you cycle in. Overnight would be perfect, and if they give us a bit of notice."