Every area has its own unique quirks and secrets that only locals would know - and Dorset has plenty of them!

From local lingo to superstitions, there are always things about a place that would mean nothing to those outside it.

Here are seven fun facts we feel will resonate with true Dorset folk.

1.) We know what the Park Street Shuffle is – and it’s not a dance

Many Weymouth residents have undertaken the extreme *ahem* drinking challenge that is the Park Street Shuffle.

The challenge took drinkers from pub to pub in a straight (or maybe slightly weaving) line, having a bevy at each.

Dorset Echo: The suggested start of the Park Street Shuffle at the Park HotelThe suggested start of the Park Street Shuffle at the Park Hotel (Image: Web)

There is some dispute over the exact route the shuffle took drinkers on but one suggested itinerary would have been: the Park Hotel first then the Waterloo, the Railway, Giant Pot, Somerset, Queens, Dolphin, Duke of Albany, Prince of Wales, Star and Garter, New Bridge, Duke of Edinburgh.

2.) The Tall Ships festival was AMAZING!

Weymouth was the only port to have held the Cutty Sark Tall Ships Race three times in 1983, 1987 and 1994.

The event offered four days of shows, parades and parties that contributed to what many people still believe was the best event ever held in Weymouth (including the Olympics). 

Dorset Echo: Tall Ships Race in Weymouth in 1994 - There's no space to be had as onlookers crowd in to see the spectacular vesselsTall Ships Race in Weymouth in 1994 - There's no space to be had as onlookers crowd in to see the spectacular vessels (Image: Newsquest)

There were car rallies, street entertainment, the BBC Radio 2 Roadshow, sea shanty competitions, a torchlit parade, firework display and the BBC Concert Orchestra played a memorable concert on the beach.

"This was Weymouth at its very best," one reader says. "A true partnership of people and organisations got this event into our town."

3.) We fell in love with a dolphin called Randy

Weymouth became the destination for a celebrity dolphin called Randy - and he certainly lived up to his name!

The adult bottlenose, arrived in Weymouth Bay in the summer of 2002 and took not only a shine to the coast of Dorset but also to female swimmers and people in rubber swimsuits.

Although Randy delighted locals and visitors with his antics in Weymouth harbour and nearby Chesil Cove and Castletown, a number of swimmers were shocked by his exploits.

Dorset Echo: Randy the dolphin in Weymouth harbour Randy the dolphin in Weymouth harbour (Image: NQ)

People were warned not to approach Randy due to his sexual behaviour and aggression.

Randy headed across the Channel in the autumn for a European tour in the autumn of 2003 and was reported dead after a boat accident. 

4.) We know not to say the 'R' word on Portland

There has been a long association between "underground mutton" or "long-eared furry things" and bad luck on the island.

Use of their name on Portland is considered taboo.

Dorset Echo: Don't say the R word on Portland!Don't say the R word on Portland! (Image: Canva)

The reason behind the 'r' word being considered a no-no is believed to derive from quarry work that took place on Portland.

Burrowing from the creatures could can cause landslips in quarries, and workers would blame them for increasing the risk involved in their work.

If a one of these creatures was seen in a quarry, the workers would go home for the day, until the safety of the area had been assured.

5.) Our roundabouts were magical - and some of us miss them dearly

Back in 2011 £110million was invested in highway improvements for Weymouth and Portland.

The overhaul of the borough highways  saw several projects fast-tracked and others implemented as a direct result of the borough being chosen to host the Olympic and Paralympic sailing events in 2012.

Dorset Echo: Work begins on removing the Westham roundabout in June 2010Work begins on removing the Westham roundabout in June 2010 (Image: NQ)

But the replacement of roundabouts with traffic lights has remained a sticking point for many Weymouth residents. 

One reader said: "I’m born and bred in Weymouth and never experienced any snarl ups, unlike now you have to wait at every traffic light even if there’s nothing coming from the other junctions."

6.) Don't feed the seagulls!

A bucket and spade resort like Weymouth relies upon its visitors. 

But visitors become known as slightly less endearing 'grockles' when they break the golden rule of visiting our town - feeding the seagulls!

Dorset Echo: A menacing seagull in Weymouth harbourA menacing seagull in Weymouth harbour (Image: Newsquest)

As a result the boisterous birds became a real problem. 

One beach cafe worker said: “They are just a menace. I saw someone go to get a sachet of sauce for the chips and a seagull just swooped on them.

“I notice people feeding them, and time after time it just brings more."

An anti-seagull campaign was set up in 2017 called 'Don't feel the locals'

7.) We fear the Whistling Gunner 

Nothe Fort in Weymouth is locally known for its ghost, the Whistling Gunner, and many people claim to have heard his eerie whistling in the fort's extensive underground passageways.

Tales of the gunner have been spoken about in Weymouth for decades.

Dorset Echo: Strange goings on at the Nothe FortStrange goings on at the Nothe Fort (Image: Newsquest)

Many of us would be building dens with our friends when the fort was derelict and closed and would hear what could have been the gunner - or was it just a tape playing?

Some people have reported witnessing a white figure seen walking around the fort on the parapets, the low protective wall along the edge of a roof, when the building is locked and there should be nobody there.