Crowds fell silent as they paid their final respects to Ollie-Lou Isbell at her funeral yesterday.

Ollie defied all the odds as she bravely fought cancer over the past year - after being told she wouldn’t make it to her daughter's first birthday.

Dorset Echo: Ollie-Lou IsbellOllie-Lou Isbell (Image: Annie Harrison)

The young Weymouth mum, 23, was declared cancer free just before Christmas, but she sadly passed away on Monday, April 1.

Ollie was mum to little Harper, who she referred to as her 'absolute world.'

Dorset Echo:

Friends and family of Ollie gathered outside Weymouth Crematorium to say goodbye to the young woman who ‘left an impact on so many people’s lives.’

A horse-drawn carriage travelled to the crematorium for Ollie’s final journey, - the white horses adorned with pink feathers – Ollie’s favourite colour.Dorset Echo:

As crowds filed into the crematorium, it was so packed that many were left standing outside.

Mourners were asked to dress in pink or sunflower print as they were Ollie’s favourite flowers and sunflower seeds were handed out to guests alongside a beautiful keyring with a photo of Ollie on.

Around 100 people gathered to pay their respects dressed in shades of pink and plenty of sunflowers.

As the pallbearers carried the casket down to the front, This City by Sam Fischer played out over the speakers in an incredibly emotional moment.

Dorset Echo:

First to speak was Ollie’s sister Keara Isbell.

She said: “I miss your laugh, I miss your smile, I miss your wild coloured hair, I miss our fallings out and all the annoying TikToks I would receive hourly and so much more – but especially you.

“You truly were an incredible woman who left an impact on so many of our lives which I will cherish forever.

Dorset Echo:

“The day before was my 21st birthday and you wished me a happy birthday but at the end you put an emoji of a bed and a love heart. I see that as you were telling me goodnight.

“You fought to the very end with the biggest smile. Recently I got sent this message that read:

“I’m sorry I had to leave you, I hate watching you miss me and cry, but please don’t spend too much time being sad and don’t spend too much time questioning why. My death showed you that tomorrow isn’t promised so live and enjoy life whilst you can and when you feel sad thinking I’m not with you, please don’t ever doubt that I am… I promise you I’m okay now, so don’t feel guilty for living your life without me…”

“Rest in paradise and sleep tight my angel, I love you.”

Dorset Echo:

Shortly after, Pete Milner, a family friend read out the poem Look For Me In Rainbows, which was followed by a moment of reflection whilst the song I Kill Spiders by Granger Smith played out.

Ollie’s mum, Jackie Isbell also shared some beautiful words and memories.

She started by thanking everyone for coming, adding: “She was a happy, loving, giggly little girl and Harper is her double in personality and looks.

“She was a kind girl and cared about things like animals, the environment and people. She volunteered at Margaret Green Animal Rescue – of course she wanted to keep every dog, cat and chicken she saw.

“Her favourite dogs were pugs and she was in her element a few years ago when I took her to a pug festival.

“She was a colourful character and her hair colours were chosen by her nephews “After packing her flat up, in every bag, box, drawer and pockets there were sweets, and as we leave, Ollie has a gift for you.

Dorset Echo:

“Sadly Ollie wasn’t able to be an organ donor, like she always wanted to be, but three huge cars filled to the brim with her medical supplies and they were taken to Ukraine because they had no supplies due to the war – so even in death she saved lives.

“Her greatest achievement was having Harper, she loved that little girl so much, everything she would do was for Harper.

“I love you Ollie, I miss you.”

A very successful fundraiser was started by Jackie to help with funeral costs, with any additional funds going towards Harper's future.

Many also did fundraisers of their own to support the family.

READ MORE: Ollie Isbell prepares for magical Christmas