A village play park, which is described as a “lifeline” for the children, is due to undergo a full restoration.

Frampton Parish Council has announced planned to renovate the children’s park, located near Sheridan Close, just behind Church Lane after councillors decided the equipment was no longer fit for purpose.  

The project will involve upgrading the current infant play park with all pieces of equipment replaced like for like as well as adding a picnic point and a basket swing. 

There are also plans to build a new junior play zone with equipment aimed at children eight years old and over. Frampton Parish Council is currently working with local park specialist company HUCK to install a Viking rope swing and a pyramid rope climber. 

Dorset Echo: All pieces of equipment on the current infant play park in Frampton will be replaced like for likeAll pieces of equipment on the current infant play park in Frampton will be replaced like for like (Image: Brie Purse)

The park has served as a valued community asset for over thirty years as many young families reside in the area.

Brie Purse, Frampton Parish Councillor who is leading the park project, said: “It’s a huge community asset. The park is situated near a lot of young families.

“For children it’s a lifeline as some parents don’t have transport so it provides the children an outside green space where they can escape, make new friends, and help their general development.

“A lot of families have said it’s a huge asset for getting out with their children so it’s so valued in the community.”

Frampton Parish Council received £36,530 from National Lottery Community Fund to go towards new equipment for the park as well as £9,000 from Dorset Council through the Capital Leverage Fund.

Dorset Echo: The field area where a new junior play area will be built for the summer holidaysThe field area where a new junior play area will be built for the summer holidays (Image: Brie Purse)

Work on creating the junior play zone will start in June and is due to be completed in the summer holidays. However, Frampton Parish Council has said it will continue to fundraise an additional £50,000 to replace equipment on the infant play area. 

A spokesperson for Dorset Council said: “Frampton was awarded £9,000 towards their capital project to support the refurbishment of their play park.

“The grant was made by Dorset Council through its Capital Leverage Fund which provides grants for the voluntary and community sector to improve local facilities and community spaces for organisations and groups in the Dorset Council area."