A new exhibit celebrating 15 years of bring art to the Weymouth area will be open by the new mayor of Weymouth this weekend.

Artwey is a visual arts community interest company based in Weymouth and on Portland, made up of more than 100 local artists and makers.

In celebration of its 15th anniversary this year, the group is taking part in Dorset Art Week with two exhibitions, one at the Old Town Hall in Weymouth and one at the Royal Manor Theatre on Portland.

Each exhibit has the theme of ‘Freedom’ and will showcase a range of art from paintings and ceramics to textiles.

The Artwey exhibition will be held at the Old Town Hall on Friday, May 24 6pm to 8pm and will be opened by the new Mayor of Weymouth Cllr Jon Orrell.

Both exhibitions will from 11am to 4pm on Saturday, May 25and then will be open daily throughout Dorset Art Weeks until Sunday June 9.