DORSET’S political leaders are all saying “bring it on” with the announcement of a July 4 election.

Having just taken control of Dorset Council from the Conservatives, Lib Dem council leader Nick Ireland was upbeat about his party’s chances in a few weeks’ time, as are Dorset Conservatives, most of which used the description “Local Conservatives” at the May 2 election.

Said Cllr Ireland: "The Liberal Democrats are on the up in Dorset after beating the Conservatives at the May local elections.

"For years our area has been taken for granted by an out-of-touch Conservative Government that has failed to get the basics right and lurched from crisis to crisis - now it’s time for a change.

"Local health services have been brought to their knees, people’s mortgages and rent have skyrocketed and water companies have been allowed to pump their filthy sewage into our rivers and beaches. All this by a Conservative government more interested in fighting between themselves than standing up for the country.

"Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for a fair deal. It’s a vote for a party that will stand up for our community and our health services."

Spokesperson for Dorset Conservative councillors Cllr Laura Beddow said she believed the Prime Minister’s decision for an early march to the polls was a good one.

“In calling a General Election the Prime Minister is absolutely right to highlight the good work of this Government.

“Here in Dorset we have welcomed the Government’s support in protecting household incomes throughout the pandemic via the Furlough scheme, activities and food support funding for children and young people during the holidays, investment in SEND places and £19million Levelling Up investment.

“It has never been more important for Dorset to continue to have strong voices in Westminster. Inflation is falling and defence investment has increased thanks to Conservative decisions. We look forward to supporting our Dorset MPs in their re-election campaigns.”

One of Dorset Council’s two Labour councillors, Paul Kimber from Portland, also welcomed the election announcement.

The South Dorset seat, currently held by Conservative Richard Drax, had previously been held by Labour’s Jim Knight during the era of Tony Blair who visited Portland at the time that election was called.

Said Cllr Kimber: “This is welcome news ….  so many people told me they are looking for change and leadership and are tired of excuses as to why things are not being done.”

Said neighbouring ward Labour councillor Kate Wheller: “This election is South’s Dorset’s opportunity to deliver a fresh start. For 14 years we have been let down by a chaotic Conservative Government.

We need a strong voice in Westminster, a voice that knows and understands the people of South Dorset. Someone we can trust.  

Voters of Dorset have already demonstrated that they are ready for change.  I am excited by the prospect of helping deliver that change.  This election is a two horse race, Only Labour can deliver change and beat the Conservatives."

The South Dorset seat will be contested again by Green Party councillor Jon Orrell.

"It's time for a change: Time to put people and the planet first. We desperately need to change our national direction. We are heading to destruction. 

Our rivers are dying, our seas polluted, our secondary schools degraded, community hospital beds closed. Nature sacrificed for short term profit. Greens will be true conservatives! We will conserve our birds, animals and bees. The future is Green," said Cllr Orrell.

Independent group leader Cllr Les Fry also welcomed the election announcement.

“After all the speculation, at last we know the date.  The election is very unlikely to make much impact on the work that I do in Dorset.

"The Independent Councillors will continue to work for a better Dorset no matter what the outcome of the election brings”