Crews from an emergency service came to the rescue of a pregnant horse in West Dorset.

Firefighters from Bridport and Charmouth were called to Corscombe along with technical rescue from Weymouth Fire Station after a pregnant horse slipped on unstable ground.

It was reported around 5.20pm yesterday (Thursday, May 23) that the horse was unable to get up, causing exhaustion.

Crews worked with the owners of the horse and a vet to come up with a solution to assist the animal back onto its feet. During this, staff were providing caring for the horse.

As the equipment was set up, the horse managed to get up on her own. The firefighters remained on the scene until after the horse was assessed.

A spokesperson for DW Fire said: “A pregnant horse had slipped on unstable ground and was unable to get up resulting in one very exhausted mum to be.

“Crews worked with the owners and a vet to come up with a plan to assist the animal back on its feet. Whilst this was being done staff were reassuring the horse and encouraging her to get up.

“Just as we were about to set up our equipment the horse had a burst of energy and got up under her own steam. Crews remained on scene a short while the horse was assessed and was given the all clear.”