Dorset Police are urging residents and visitors to be extra vigilant during the May holiday to prevent car thieves breaking into vehicles and stealing valuable items.

As visitor numbers increase during the bank holiday period, officers are urging drivers to take precautions to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime.

People coming into the area are being reminded to close all windows and sunroofs, lock their cars, remove phones and sat navs and hide any important documents when leaving their vehicles unattended. 

Dorset Police also advise to park your car in a car park or well-lit street when parking in a public place as well as checking nothing’s left out on seats, the dash, centre console, door pockets or in footwells.

Detective Inspector Andy Brix, of the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team, said: “I would urge people, when they leave their vehicles unattended on their driveway, in the street or in car parks, to ensure they do not leave valuables on display and that they lock their vehicles properly.

“Even a couple of pound coins or a pair of sunglasses left on show is enough for an opportunist thief to try the car door and if locked, force entry in order to steal.

“Sunglasses or a few coins may not seem much to the owner but the invasion of privacy, inconvenience and cost of repairing smashed glass, plus subsequent increased insurance costs have a big impact on victims.

“Please do not make it easy for criminals."