The future is looking brighter for a group that feared they may have had to disband without additional support.

The Friends of Rodwell Trail and Sandsfoot Castle has been running for around 15 years now and due to ‘people getting a little bit older and retiring,’ it needs new members to be able to continue.

Following a call-out for new members, the group has received a lot of interest from people hoping to join, so members have decided to host an open evening to encourage people to get involved.

Committee member Claudia Webb said: "I have received a lot of positive emails and have every faith that we won’t have to dissolve our organisation."

The event will be held at 7pm on Monday, June 24 at The Old Town Hall in Weymouth.

The Friends of Rodwell Trail and Sandsfoot Castle help to keep the two beauty spots clean and looking tidy and also host a lot of family-orientated events for the community.

Claudia previously told the Echo: “For a lot of people, the Rodwell Trail is their happy place and their safe place when they are feeling really low. It is so beautiful and makes you grateful to live in Weymouth."