As a parent with an 11-year-old daughter living in Fortuneswell, I want to endorse Penny Collins' letter Children's safety must be priority' (Echo, September 23) . She's absolutely right about the need for cover during term time on that school crossing point by the post office.

However, in the long term one has to hope that the Dorset County highways department has the good sense to agree a permanent pedestrian crossing there and not get confused by a silly 'numbers' game when they survey the problem this Autumn.

Portland Town Council agreed recommending a whole package of road safety measures for Underhill 17 months ago.

I urge the highways department to get on and implement them quickly, before there's another accident.

Traffic uses Fortuneswell as a race track when the rush hour 'convoys' aren't slowing it down.

Coun Richard Denton-White, Fortuneswell, Portland.