The owner of an iconic sycamore tree on a Weymouth sandy beach fears it has been killed in an act of revenge over a right to roam row.

The tree stood on Castle Cove beach for years.

Its tropical-like setting made it popular with visitors having their photograph taken with it.

Its owners returned from a 10 day holiday to find a mystery saboteur had fatally wounded their beloved tree by severing it with a saw.

Although it was still standing the specimen was condemned by a tree surgeon and had to be cut down.

They have reported the act of criminal damage to Dorset Police which has launched an investigation.

The tree belonged to David Askew, who lives in a cliff-top property above Castle Cove Beach.

Mr Askew said: "Sadly the most picturesque tree on the cove has fallen victim to the actions of a mindless vandal.

"Locals and holidaymakers have loved having their photos taken standing next to it for many, many years.

"This criminal damage has been reported to the police.

"We can't believe that someone has been so stupid. Surely someone must have heard or seen something."

The damage to the tree Picture: BNPSThe damage to the tree Picture: BNPS (Image: BNPS) Mr Askew has recently been embroiled in a dispute over access to a footpath on his land.

The right of way was closed by the local authority in 2001 due to safety concerns following a series of landslips.

There have been calls by members of the public to reopen it in recent years, against Mr Askew's wishes.

In February officials at Dorset Council stated they believed the path was safe and work was scheduled to clear masses of vegetation to reinstate it.

But Mr Askew disagreed with the move, saying the path was still at risk to landslips.

Then in March his prediction came true and a large landslip left the walkway completely blocked off.

READ MORE: Landslip following resident's warning

Mr Askew, 65, believes that the damage to the tree is linked to the dispute.

He said: "The tree was so badly damaged it needed to be taken down as it was unsafe thanks to the damage caused by an idiot.

"It isn't blocking anyone's view or in the way of anything. It looks like it has sadly become a victim of a failed vanity project.

"It is on the beach used by the general public, so we couldn't just leave it in the hope that it heals itself.

"The sycamore has a strong survival instinct so it may well sprout again from the trunk."

READ MORE: Landslips near Castle Cove and Underbarn Walk

The tree has had to be cut downThe tree has had to be cut down (Image: BNPS) The felling happened a year after the famous Sycamore Gap tree in Northumberland was chopped down, an act which sparked a national outcry.

Two men charged with criminal damage over the felling of the tree will face trial in December. They have denied the charges.

It is said that what is left of the tree is showing signs of regrowth.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: "We received a report at 11.23am on September 19 of criminal damage to a tree and fencing in Old Castle Road in Weymouth.

"The damage was reported to have occurred sometime between September 7 and September 19."

Local officers have been made aware and no arrests have been made at this time.

The secluded beach sits in the shadow of Sandsfoot Castle, an artillery fort built in 1541 by Henry VIII.

It has been a Site of Special Scientific Interest since 1987.