WHITE gloves and whistles will be in order for a 90s revival night at Weymouth Pavilion.

Organiser Melissa Allen-Denton is organising the Nostalgia event in aid of the Weldmar Hospicecare Trust.

She said it could also be the last chance people have to enjoy an old school rave in the Ocean Room.

Melissa said: “Obviously the people who went to the original discos at the pavilion are all now in their 30s.

“This just seemed like a really good idea to get all those people back together.

“So many people seem to be nostalgic about the pavilion raves and this could be the last chance to get everybody back together for one in its original location.”

Melissa, 33, is hoping to raise around £2,000 for the cancer charity. She was inspired to organise the event after a friend’s father died of the illness.

Melissa, a director of Weymouth-based medical supplies company Medisave, said she was overwhelmed by the response.

She said: “I had this idea, posted it on a page on the Facebook website and within 24 hours I had received offers from DJs to play at it.

“I had offers of security staff – some of whom worked there the first time around – as well as offers from printers to get the posters and the tickets done and all of the art work.”

Melissa said 340 people have already signed her Facebook page to say they will ‘definitely’ be attending.

She added: “Weymouth is a small place so you don’t lose touch with people, but you end up only seeing them out shopping – this is for them.”

DJs confirmed for the event include Richie T, Tim Lyall, Jamie C and Leon Gallie.

Nostalgia will take place between 7.30pm and 12am on Saturday, March 28.

Tickets are £8 each from Banus, the Albert Inn in Wyke Regis or via Facebook.