• EASTER weekend sees the start of the Community Garden Project in Bedford Road that is being co-ordinated by Ryan Hope of the Youth Forum and Julie Hursthouse from Weymouth and Portland Borough Council.

Work will start at 11am on Friday, April 10 at Bedford Road with the Saturday and Sunday off then restart on Monday, April 13 and will hopefully finish on Thursday, April 16.

There will be a BBQ and picnic on Friday, April 17 at 4pm.

All types of helpers will be required from clearing up the area, laying gravel to planting and Ryan is hoping that parents and other volunteers will come along to help the youngsters with the work during some part of the week.

A parental consent form for the young helpers can be obtained if not already received from Ryan by ringing him on 07787999187 or collected from him at 108 Norfolk Road.

  • A BIG thank you to the few people that helped make the spring clean a success.

On Saturday, March 28 the spring clean on the Town Green was completed by enthusiastic helpers.

The Marsh was cleaned up by only two people for the whole two hours and by two other people for a shorter period of time.

A few more people turned out on Sunday, March 29.

The areas around Fiveways including Radipole Lane, Chickerell Road, Quibo Lane and East Wylde Road were cleaned.

One person asked one of the youngsters that helped if she was a young offender, no she was just a volunteer A special thanks must go to Gill Taylor and Trevor Morgan who attended on both days and also to the Swiss lady who was not from the area of Westham but came to help.

Along with the usual types of rubbish including bottle tops, lollipop sticks, plastic bottles and drink cans, some of the more unusual types of rubbish that were picked up were plastic plumbing pipes, domestic motor parts, lead pipes and bits of a supermarket trolley.

What was most annoying was the dog mess in plastic bags usually found tucked in hedges even though there are bins on the Marsh for that purpose.

  • THE members of the Friday Club at the Dorset Close Centre are trying hard to keep it going but they really would like some new younger members with fresh ideas to join.

Age and lack of enthusiasm unfortunately caused the Good Companions Club to be disbanded.