• A FEW weeks ago the Emerald Stars majorette troupe had a presentation evening and the members received their medals for the exams they passed.

The medals were handed out by the guys from the Weymouth Lions Club who also presented the Emerald Stars with a cheque for £200.

The money went towards the costumes for their first show at the Pavilion and they would like to say thank you very much to the Lions Club for the money.

The troupe has now been up and running for six months and they would really love a local company to be their regular sponsor.

Sponsorship would enable them to buy more equipment, pay for insurances and help towards travelling to competitions and carnivals around the south and south west.

Sponsors would have their own page on the Emerald Stars website and company logo on letters, flyers, posters etc.

A big thank you from the leaders go to all Emerald Star members and their parents for their support over the past six months.

As the troupe is continually growing they have moved to a bigger training venue at Beechcroft St Paul’s School on Tuesdays from 4.30 to 6.30pm.

Anyone interested in joining the Emerald Stars or hiring them for an event can contact them on 07933307663 or visit our website www.emeraldstarsofweymouth.piczo.com

  • MEMBERS of the Friday Club at the Dorset Close Centre held a very successful Pyjama Party that included a bring and by sale.

With the courtesy of warden, Maria Shannon they also held a Karaoke session.

The members raised the amazing sum of £140 for Children in Need.

On Saturday, April 18 they ran a coach trip to Boscombe, luckily the weather was good for their day out.

  • THE GARDEN Project in Bedford Road is almost completed, the Youth Forum and volunteers worked extremely hard over the Easter Holidays.

It is well worth going to have a look at the great job they have done.

Pictures and further reports on the project to follow.