PRIZE-winning artist Jane Goodson has had five paintings selected for a prestigious exhibition in London.

The selection means the Poundbury artist is on course for membership of the renowned Society of Botanical Artists – as long as she can repeat the honour next year.

Jane’s pictures are on show at the free exhibition in Central Hall, Westminster – opposite the Houses of Parliament – until May 3.

She said: “I am so pleased – absolutely thrilled. Around 700 pictures are selected from artists all over the world.

“I entered five and I couldn’t believe it when all five were selected.”

If she has five pictures selected again next year she would be eligible to become a member of the society.

Membership would be a major achievement for her so soon after she completed a three-year diploma course in the subject. Last year, while still a student, she won a most promising student award.

Jane, who has converted a room at her Woodlands Crescent home into a studio, said each painting can take 70 hours to complete.

Her pictures – depicting orchids, a pineapple, cyclamen and sweet peas – can be seen between 10am and 5pm every day at the exhibition.

She also shows work in Dorset including at Poundbury Gardens.

Jane, who works in IT training NHS staff, said: “Ideally I’d like it to be more than a hobby. It’s all-consuming for me – I love it.

“Each picture takes a lot of time but you have to work while the plant is fresh. Some flowers like sweet peas wilt quickly – the pineapple lasted for five weeks.”

She has enjoyed painting since her schooldays.