BROWNIES in Weymouth have been saved from closure after an appeal for new members.

Leaders of the Fourth St Mary’s group feared they would have to fold after numbers dropped to just six members.

But they were flooded with 16 new girls after an appeal in the Dorset Echo and the group is ‘more popular than they have been in years’.

Brownie leader Mandy Stubbs said: “I’m thrilled to bits with how successful the appeal was.

“We were due to be closed down by the Brownie Association as we only had four members. But thanks to the Echo, that number has soared and we can stay open.

“The number of Brownies had been dropping steadily and the group needed more attendants to join.

“For the first time in over two years we now have a waiting list, and girls are bringing their friends along too.”

The Fourth St Mary’s Weymouth Brownies meets every Tuesday during term times at St Mary’s Church in St Mary Street, Weymouth.

The meetings start at 5.15pm and finish at 6.45pm.

Girls start at the age of seven and stay until the age of 11. They can go on to Guides at the age of 10.

Mandy said: “The Brownies are young but very enthusiastic and have a great time.

“It would have been devastating if we had to shut.

“It’s a great group and everyone has a really good time.”

Mandy added: “On the first day of it being in the paper we had three inquiries and many more followed that.”

Contact Mandy on 01305 785218 or 07855 966113 to join the group.